Turbo Editor, Editeur de texte

by Docode OÜ


1.49 usd

Editeur de texte simple, puissant et Open Source pour Android. Développé en suivant les dernières directives d'Android pour en faire l'expérience la plus intuitive du Play Store, également sur tablette !REVIEWS∙ Turbo Editor Supercharges Your Device’s Text Editing Functionality- XDA http://goo.gl/z90cmM
∙ Turbo Editor Is a Powerful Text Editor With Syntax Highlighting- LifeHacker.com http://goo.gl/Ced1PK
∙ Turbo Editor gives file editing a much needed boost- AndroidCommunity.com http://goo.gl/cVkCd4
∙ Turbo Editor App Fits Your Text Editing Functionality on Smartphone and Tablet- http://goo.gl/P0f4mu
∙ Mächtiger Text Editor für Android im Material Design- TabletCommunity.de http://goo.gl/JYrMRB
∙ Turbo File Editor für Android bietet Syntax-Highlighting und mehr- mobiflip.de http://goo.gl/GYhoU0
∙ App Turbo Editor promete otimizar a edição de arquivos no Android- TudoCelular.com http://goo.gl/hkkr4t
∙ Turbo Editor: Um dos melhores editores de código para Android- http://goo.gl/EUFZqA
BEST FEATURES★ Completely Open Source text editor★ Super cool theme with Material Icons★ Optimized for both Smartphones and Tablets★ Support for every type of text files★ Root features★ Syntax Highlight for HTML, XHTML, CSS, LESS, JS, PHP, PYTHON and many other languages★ Support for Undo & Redo★ Line Numbers★ The Encoding is Auto-Detected but you can also edit it★ Option to wrap the content if text is too large★ Auto save mode to save files as you leave the application★ Read only mode★ Create files and folders a inside the app★ Search files and folders★ View the result on the web★ Translated in many languages (a special thanks to all the translators!)★ Movable on the SD card★ Samsung Multiview supportAnd much more!
CONTRIBUEZ∙ Rapportez une anomalie sur la page Githubhttps://github.com/vmihalachi/turbo-editor/issues
∙ Traduisez l'applicationhttp://crowdin.com/project/turbo-client
∙ Faites partie de la communauté Turbo Text Editorhttp://j.mp/TurboEditorCommunity
∙ Vous aimez l'application ? S'il vous plait, laissez un commentaire et partagez la sur Twitter, Google Plus ou où vous voulez. Merci !
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